Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Complete List of Triptychs (by date)

List Contents

The tables below are a detailed listing of all known Yoshitoshi triptychs; i.e. both individual prints, as well as print series. (We have included both individual triptychs, as well ones which are part of a triptych series, here, so that people attempting to identify an unknown triptych do not have to check both this page, and the series list.)

The list gives information on titles, dates, and (for series) the number of prints in the series. (Note that in written Japanese of this period, the titles are written reading from top to bottom in each column, starting with the right-most column of characters.) For dates after the censor reforms of 1876 (during the Meiji Restoration), when dates are given in full, they are given in day.month form.

In addition, it notes their numbers in Keyes. We use Keyes' numbers to organize the prints on the site.

We have identified a fair number of triptychs which were not listed in Keyes; for single triptchys, we have given them identification numbers of the form 'xxxY', where 'Y' is an upper-case letter. (An entry with a lower-case letter is an interpolation by Keyes, or a place where he listed multiple triptychs without assigning a separate number to each.) Additional prints in a series have been given numbers of the form 'xxx.y', in the order in which we have discovered them.

Keyes listed approximately 342 triptychs (the number is not exact; some of his entries may be duplicates - see below - and some refer to re-publications); we have added an additional 20 or so which are not listed in Keyes. (The lack of clarity is because some of Keyes' entries are sketchy, and sometimes it's not clear if a print we have is one listed in Keyes, or a new, unlisted, print.)

Title Variations

This list is based on the one in Keyes; he recorded a number of prints and series which he had not seen himself, but which he had found listed in other sources. (See pp. 336-337 of his thesis for a discussion of these sources, and their reliability.)

For quite a few triptychs, the title as given in Keyes differs slightly from the title given here. Usually, this is because Keyes' listing indicates that he personally had never seen the print, and we have found an image which seems to be the print which he listed, but has slight title variations.

Since Keyes himself indicated that from some sources "many of the titles .. are abbreviated or mistaken", we have in these cases assumed that we have found an image of the actual print he referred to in that entry, and have corrected the title given here, based on that given on the actual print. (In a few cases, Keyes himself seems to have made a mistake - such cases are usually described in the 'Comments' field for that entry.)

Sometimes there is something which indicates, with high probability, that the data given in Keyes is incorrect. (See, for example, #7.) Sometimes the title is unusual, and basically correct, and the difference is relatively inconsequential. (See, for example, #158.) In such cases, there is a high likelihood that the print has been correctly identified, and that the 'corrected' title has been properly adjusted.

In all cases where an adjustment has been made after an assignment, however, if we find an image of a print with the original title given in Keyes, that - perhaps obviously - will indicate definitively that the print we have identified as being the print in question is not in fact the one in Keyes, but rather a very similar, but previously un-listed, print. The databases will be adjusted in such cases, and the newly identified print will bear a note of the form 'previously thought to be #xxx'.

Title Kanji

The kanji given are those used by Yoshitoshi in the title cartouche. (For prints which we have not seen, the kanji are those given in Keyes, but there may be some errors in transcription; see below.)

Due to the post-WWII simplification of written Japanese, the kanji now commonly used in Japanese publications about his work, etc, are sometimes different, simplified, forms; if so, they are given in '()' brackets (occasionally with an accompanying character, to make clear for which character an alternate is being given). (This does not apply to , 'zu', now usually written , which is used in so many titles that it would be tedious to write it out in all of them.)

In some cases, Yoshitoshi seems to have deliberately used alternative characters with the same reading, as a sort of visual pun of the kind one sometimes finds in Japanese woodblock prints. In such cases, the 'normal' characters are also given in '()' brackets.

There are also cases where rare characters are used, exact matches for which cannot be found in dictionaries, or in Unicode (the system used to display characters in Web pages). It is usually not clear if this is a legitimate (perhaps archaic) form of the character, or if Yoshitoshi has perhaps simply made a mistake. If there is a close equivalent (especially if it is one Japanese sources have used in transcribing the title), we have used that. In other cases we have elected to leave a '?' in the title transcription.

Sometimes Keyes gives characters in the rōmaji which he does not show in the kanji, or vice versa; and in a few cases, they are not shown in the actual print. Such missing, but interpolated, kanji and rōmaji are given inside '[]' brackets.

In a few cases, Keyes does not give the rōmaji, which has made the transcription of some of the kanji (for prints where we do not have an image of the actual print) somewhat dubious, as the copy of Keyes' thesis used to prepare this page was not a high-resolution copy, and some of the characters are difficult to see clearly in it.

Lacking the cross-check of the rōmaji, or an image of the actual print, it is possible an incorrect character was occasionally selected. Characters which are questionable for this reasons are marked with a small '?'; alternative possibilities are given with a '/' between them. Some kanji we couldn't even begin to read - these are indicated with a large '?'.


When a series took more than one month to come out, the dates given are the earliest and latest known prints from the series.

Note that prior to 1873, the dates are given in the Japanese lunar calendar used at that point, so a date such as '1860 (4)' is not April, 1860. Months marked as 'I' are intercalary months.

For dates after the switch to the solar calendar, and the new system of date seals, the day and month are given (in that order), not just the month.

Individual Prints and Series

If no "Series size" is given in the 'comments' field, the line is for an individual print, not part of a series (since the Keyes numbers for individual prints which are not part of a series, and those for series as a whole, are facially indistinguishable).

For triptychs which are part of series, there is usually a line for each (individually titled) triptych in the series, as well as a line for the series as a whole. Such entries for prints which are part of series can be recognized by their numbers (which are usually of the form 'xxx.y', where 'xxx' is the overall series number).

Note: Keyes generally gives neither the kanji nor rōmaji for the titles of prints which are part of a series, which is why those fields are usually blank for such entries, since at this point we are mostly relying on his work to create this list.

Eventually we hope to locate high-resolution images of such prints, and add that data, but at the moment, much of what we have is what is in Keyes. For a few series, (e.g. 'Four Seasons at their Height') we do have pages, with the title of each individual print, but even in those cases the data is not yet here - mostly because this list is so lengthy that compiling even the basic form has tried the endurance of the compiler!


As mentioned, this list is based on the one in Keyes. In this list, generally individual triptychs shown without a month were those which Keyes did not see himself.

Unless stated otherwise in the 'Comments' column, all are ōban horizontal triptychs.

For some series, as discussed above, the title given here differs slightly from that given in Keyes. Such entries are marked with a '$' after the Keyes number. (Slightly variant forms, such as for are such minor differences that they are not thus noted.)

For triptychs which Keyes indicated he had never actually seen, only found listed in other sources, unless we have found images of these triptychs, to verify that they actually exists (e.g. that it is not a duplicate listing for something else already listed here), these entries are marked with a '*' character next to the Keyes number. Similarly, triptychs which Keyes was not sure were not duplicate listing are also marked with a '*'.

For series, the number of triptychs (where known) in the series is shown. Where a series does not have any fixed number of triptychs, and we are unsure whether more triptychs remain to be discovered, we show the number of triptychs we currently have displayed, marked with a terminal '?'.

If some triptychs in a series are known from written sources only, e.g. the list in Keyes, we list them in the form 'm+n', where 'm' are the triptychs we have displayed, and 'n' are the number known only from written sources. The sizes of series sizes given by Keyes, but not otherwise verified, are marked with a terminal 'K'.

Some series include one of more title pages or other supernumerary prints; such series use an '&' to delineate the supernumerary prints.

For a number of seemingly single triptychs (i.e. not part of a series) in this list, from the looks of the title cartouche, with the classic 'title/subtitle' division, it not clear if this is just a single triptych; or one from a series, of which this is the only one known; or perhaps from a notional seires - i.e. intended to be a series, but with only one triptych ever done. Such triptychs are indicated with a "Series" notation in the 'Comments' column.

Triptychs which are not listed in Keyes have a '!' after their number. (This may seem superfluous, since most such triptychs have numbers of the form 'xxaA' which are easy to see, but in cases where we have found another print in a series, and have numbered them as 'xxx.y', they are do not stand out.)

NOTE: This table is currently drawn largely from data in Keyes' thesis. As we slowly add images (and ones large enough to read the characters in the captions), we will cross-check his information. In a few places there are discrepancies betwen the data given in Keyes, and our reading of the print, and it's not clear which is correct; the alternative is given inside '{}' brackets in such cases.


Title (English) Alternative Titles Title (Rōmaji) Title (Kanji) Date Keyes No. Comments
Image of the Heike clan sinking in the sea and perishing in the first year of the Bunji era In 1185 the Heike clan sank into the sea and perished Bunji gannen Heike no ichimon horobi kaichū [ni] ochiiru zu 文治 元年 平家 の 一門 亡 海中 落入る 圖 1853 (6) 1$
The flower of Edo: children's games   Edo no hana kodomo asobi no zu 江戸 の 花 子供 遊 の 圖 1858 2
A comic image of a collection of chess pieces A comic picture of battling chess pieces Kyōga shōgi zukushi 狂画 將棊 づくし (将棋) 1859 (8) 3$
Momotarō scattering beans (during the setsubun festival)   Momotarō mamemaki no zu 桃太郎 豆蒔 之 圖 1859 (9) 4
The great battle of Chinese and Japanese animals   Wakan kedamono ō-kassen no zu 和漢 獣物 大合戦 之 圖 1859 or 1860 7$
The battle of the kitchen   Daidokoro ō-kassen ?所 大合戰 (臺) (戦) 1859 9$ The exact first character in the title cannot be found in dictionaries, and is not available in Unicode.
Kidōmaru on Ichihara moor   Ichiharano Kidōmaru 市原野 鬼童丸 1859 10


Title (English) Alternative Titles Title (Rōmaji) Title (Kanji) Date Keyes No. Comments
Modern gallants with flowers   Tōsei isami no hana 當勢 勇 の 花 1860 (2) 16
Scenery of Yokohama, Kanagawa A view of Yokohama in Kanagawa Kanagawa Yokohama no fūkei 神名川 横濱 之 風景 (神奈) (浜) 1860 (3I) 19$
Kusunoki Tamonmaru conquers the old badger   Kusunoki Tamonmaru kori taiju no zu 楠 多門丸 古狸 退治 之 圖 1860 (6) 20
The penance of Mongaku in the waterfall on Mt. Nachi   Nachizan no ōtaki ni Mongaku aragyō no zu 那智山 の 大滝 に 文覺 荒行 [の] 圖 1860 (6) 23 The center panel was originally published by itself in 1859/10 (listed as Keyes #5).
Modern gallants with morning glories   Tōsei isami no asagao 當勢 勇 の 朝顔 (当世) (顏) 1860 (7) 26$
Revenge at Amanohashidate
Katakiuchi Amanohashidate 復讐 天橋立
1860 (7) 27
Parting after a short sleep   Karine no kinuginu 仮寝 の きぬぎぬ 1860 (10) 30
Gallants with plum blossoms   Isame no ume 勇 の 梅 1860 33
Flowers in the Yoshiwara in full blossom   Hana no Yoshiwara zensei no zu 花 の 吉原 全盛 の 圖 1860 34
A gorgeous festival procession with the flowers of Edo   Edo no hana hade na omatsuri 吾妻男美 揃祭 禮
1861 (6?) 37
Activities of foreigners   Geijin . . . no zu 外人 . . . 之 圖 1861 (11) 40
A hand game between clearly labeled actors   Shōfudatszuki haiyū teasobi 正札付 俳優 手遊 1861 42
View of the great battle of Shizugamine   Shizugamine ō-kassen no zu 賤ヶ峰 大合戰 之 圖
1861 43$
Modern Edo purple   Tōsei Edo murasaki 当世 江戸 紫 1862 (2) 46
The Treasury of Loyal Retainers   Kanadehon chūshingura 假名手本 忠臣蔵
(仮名手本 忠臣蔵)
1862 (3) 53
Lord Mashiba subjugates Korea   Mashiba tairyō Sankan taiji 眞柴 大領 三韓 退治 (真) 1862 (5) 65$
Bandō Hikosaburo V as Oda Harunaga, Sawamura Tosshō II as Mori Ranmaru {Rammaru}, Kataoka Gadō II as Koretō Mitsuhide     坂東 彦三郎 小田 春永
沢村 訥升 森 蘭丸
片岡 我童 惟任 光秀
1862 (8) 70
(Untitled) Nakamura Shikan IV as Magoshichi; Kawarasaki Gonjūrō I as Taheiji; Iwai Kumesaburō III as Oyone 1862 (5) 79A! Keyes only lists the center panel (as #79)
Evening shower among the flowers   Hana no yūdachi はな の 夕立 1862 82
The great city, an allusive triptych   Daitokai mitate sampukutsui 大都会 見立 三幅對 (三幅対) 1862 83$
The procession of Lord Yoritomo at the Oi River   Yoritomo-kō Ōi-gawa gyōretsu no zu 頼朝公 大井川 行列 之 図 1863 (4) 85
General of the Right Lord Yoritomo inspects a special Nō performance   Udaishō Yoritomo-kō o-nō jōran no zu 右大將 頼朝公 御能 上覧 [之] 圖
1863 (4) 86$
(Untitled) Miyamoto Musashi conquers the wicked fox of Osakabe   宮本 無三四 狐 退治 之 図 1863 (6) 91
Masakiyo at Shinshu Castle during the conquest of Korea   Masakiyo Sankan taiji Shinshu-jō kassen no zu 正清 三韓 退治 晋州城 合戦 之 図 1863 (10) 94
From the Taiheiki: Withdrawing from the middle of the country, the Battle of Amagasaki   Taiheiki Amagasaki kassen chūgoku hikikaesu no zu 太平記 尼ヶ崎 合戦 中國 引返 の 圖
(尼崎) (中国)
1863 (10) 94A!
View of the great battle of Shizugatake - A bloody struggle between two great rivals   Shizugatake ō-kassen ryōyū kessen no zu 賎ヶ峯 大合戰 両雄 血戰 之 圖
1863 98$ The name of the Battle of Shizugatake is usually written with the characters 賤ヶ岳 now.
The conquest of Korea   Sankan taiji 三韓 退治 1863 99*
The fall of Inaba Mountain Castle and the origin of the symbolic gourd in the Taiheiki   Taiheiki Inabayama no shiro kanraku sennari hyōtan yurai [no zu] 太平記 稲葉山 之 城 陥落 千生 瓢箪 由来 之 図 1864 (2) 100
The Soga brothers kill ten men   Soga jubangiri no zu 曽我 十番切 の 圖 1864 (3) 101
The Battle of Okehazama: The death in battle of Earl Inagawa Yoshimoto   Okehazama kassen: Inagawa Yoshimoto ason jinbotsu no zu 桶狹間 合戰
稲川 義元 朝臣 陳歿 之 圖
(桶狭間) (戦) (今川) (陣没)
1864 (3) 102$ The actual character used in the last word () has a reading of 'chin'; it is not clear if this is simply an error on Yoshitoshi's part, or some subtle word-play (chinbotsu means 'sinking').
Masakiyo conquers Korea   Masakiyo Sankan taiji no zu 正清 三韓 退治 [の] 圖 1864 (3) 103
Maskaiyo captures the wild tiger   Masakiyo mōko uchitori no zu 正清 猛虎 討取 [の] 図 1864 (3) 104
Foreign horse acrobats at Yokohama   Yokohama ijin kyokuba 横浜 異人 曲馬 1864 (3) 105
The night attack of the 47 Ronin   Gishi youchi rannyū no zu 義士 夜討 乱入 之 圖 1864 (4) 106
A modern Prince Genii at Chigogafuchi on the island of Enoshima   Imayō Genji Enoshima Chigogafuchi 今様 源氏 江の島 [稚]児が淵
1864 (5) 107
A modern Prince Genji: With a distant view of Yokohama from the Daikokuro Restaurant at Kanagawa   Imayō Genji: Kanagawa Daikokurō Yokohama chōbō 今様 げんじ
神奈川 大黒楼 横浜 眺望
1864 (5) 108
Yoriyoshi attacks Sadatō in the great battle at the Kuriya River, a scene from Zen Taiheiki   Zen Taiheiki Kuriyagawa okassen Yoriyoshi ason Sadatō taiji [no zu] 前 太平記 厨川 大合戦 頼義 朝臣 貞任 退治 之 圖 1864 (7) 110
From the Zen Taiheiki: View of the appearance of Munetō and the other prisoners of war   Zen Taiheiki Munetō ika kōnin ni deru zu 前 太平記
宗任 以下 降人 [に] 出る 圖
1864 (8) 111$ The small yellow cartouches identifying individuals show that the figure kneeling at the lower left is Abe no Munetō; the figure at the right on the folding stool is Minamoto no Yoshiie (Hachimantaro Yoshiie), who captured Munetō.
The death of Musashi Gorō Sadayo during the Battle of Karashima, a scene from the Zen Taiheiki Sadayo dies fighting in the battle of Karashima, a scene from Zen Taiheiki Zen Taiheiki Karashima kassen Musashi Gorō Sadayo uchijini [no] zu 前 太平記 辛嶋 合戦
武蔵 五郎 貞世 討死 圖
1864 (9) 111a$ The kanji is not given in Keyes, and the title he gives is slightly different from what's on what seems to be this print, but the date he gives (ca. (8) 1864) is correct for this one.
The night attack at Horikawa from Genpei Seisuiki   Genpei Seisuiki Horikawa youchi 源平 盛衰記 堀川 夜征 1864 (8) 112
The pupils of Uji Jōetsu practising fencing   Uji Jōetsu montei keiko no zu 宇治 常悦 門弟 稽古 之 圖 1864 (9) 113
The descent from Hiyodorigoe Pass at the battle of Ichinotani   Ichinotani Hiyodorigoe sakaotoshi no zu 一之谷 鵯越 逆落 之 圖
1864 (9) 114
The great battle of Okehazama   Okehazama ō-kassen no zu 桶狭間 大合戦 之 圖 1864 (9) 115
Raikō and his four companions conquer the demon of Ōe Mountain   Raikō shitennō Ōeyama kijin taiji 頼光 四天王 大江山 鬼神 退治 之 図 1864 (10) 117
View of the great battle of Dan Bay   Dan-no-ura ō-kassen no zu 檀之浦 大合戦 ノ 圖
(壇) (戰)
1864 (10) 117A!
Saitō Kuranosuke battles Hisayoshi's forces in his hideaway, from the Taiheiki   Taiheiki no uchi - Saitō Kuranosuke ga kakurega nite mashiba sei oi ni tatakau zu 菜藤 久良之輔 隠家 二? 真柴 勢と 大 二 戦ふ 圖 1864 (11) 120
Revenge from the tale of Shiraishi   Shiraishibanashi katakiuchi no zu 白石噺 敵討 之 圖 1864 123
A procession of young women   Himegimi gyōretsu [no] zu 姫君 行列 圖 1864 124
Night battle at Shijō in Kyōto   Kyōto Shijō youchi no zu 京都 四条 夜討 之 圖 1864 125
The battle of Kyōto   Kyōto sensō no zu 京都 戦争 [之] 圖 1864 126
The young cherry trees at Suma Temple in Harima Province   Banshū Suma-dera wakagi zakura no zu 播州 須磨寺 若木 桜 の 圖 1864 127
The great battle of Ichi-no-tani   Ichinotani ō-kassen no zu 一ノ谷 大合戰 之 圖
1864 128
A mirror of heroes of the Taiheiki   Taiheiki yūshi kagami 太平記 勇士 鑑 1864 129
From the Taiheiki: Toyotomi Hideyoshi serves Lord Harunaga at Komaki Mountain   Taiheiki: Ni oite Komaki-yama Sarukichirō Harunaga-kō ni tsukamatsuru [no] zu 太平記
於 小牧山 猿吉郎 春永公 に 仕る [之] 圖
1864/9 (right panel) - 1864/10 (left panel) 130$ Sarukichirō (literally, "good-luck-monkey-son") is an alias for Toyotomi Hideyoshi, based on the nickname Oda Nobunaga gave him, Kozaru ("little monkey"), which was supposedly inspired by his alleged resemblance to a monkey.
Yoshitsune leaps over eight boats at Dan Bay during the battle of Yashima   Yashima Dan-no-ura kassen Yoshitsune hassō tobi no zu 八島 檀之浦 合戰 義經 八艘 飛 之 圖
(壇) (戦) (経)
1865 (2) 133$ The first character of 'Dan-no-ura' is not the usual one, but a very similar-appearing one, but with a different meaning. It is not known if this is an error on Yoshitoshi's part, or a subtle visual pun.
Chronicles of Toyotomi Hideyoshi: The great battle at Miya-jima   Toyotomi kunkōki [no] uchi: Miya-jima ō-kassen [no] zu 豊臣 勲功記 内 宮島 大合戰 [之] 圖 (戦) 1865 (5) 135
Lord Mashiba Hisayoshi reviews the generals from his camp in Nagoya   Mashiba Hisayoshi-kō Nagoya gojin sakite no shodaishō Chōsen shū e kuridashi no zu 真柴 久吉公 名古屋 御陣 先手 之 諸大将 朝鮮 州 江 くり出シ 之 圖 1865 (5) 136
A procession on the Tōkaidō Road   Tōkaidō gyōretsu no zu 東海道 行列 之 圖 1865 (5) 137 A print has been found which seems to be this one (the date and publisher match), but it does not have a title.
(What seems to be a title, in the lower left corner, is actually the publisher's name and location: 江戸 筑地
大黒屋 金之助 ?
- Edo Tsuji: Daikoku Kinnosuke ?.)
View of the death in battle by suicide of Katsuyori at Mt. Temmoku   Katsuyori ni oite Temmokuzan toguru uchijini zu 勝頼 於 天目山 逐 討死 圖 1865 (5I) 140$
(Title unknown - only one panel known)       1865 (6) 141 Demons surrounding a half-clothed woman on a table.
Kawarazaki Gonjūrō as Kōarashi {Koarashi} Chūji, Ichikawa Sadanji as the farmer Ichibei, Bandō Kamezō and Nakayama Genjūrō as Iwasaki Umbei     河原崎 権十郎 小嵐 忠次
市川 左団次 百姓 市兵衛
坂東 亀蔵 中山 元十郎 岩崎 禹
?兵 街?
1865 (8) 144
The precious box of Urashima Tarō   Urashima Tarō tamatebako 浦嶋 太郎 玉手箱 1865 (9) 146
Iwami Jūtarō sees a monster   Iwami jūtarō kai o ukagau 岩見 重太郎 怪 を 覗ふ 1865 152
Thieves of Japan   Honchō gitō {gizoku} kurabe 本朝 義盜 竸
1865 (7?) 153 Yoshitoshi often uses the character version of 'kurabe' instead of
Lord Kusunoki at the siege of Chihaya   Kusunoki-kō Chihaya rōjō no zu 楠 公 千早籠城 之 圖
1865 154
The great battle of Yamazaki   Yamazaki ō-kassen no zu 山崎 大合戦 之 圖 1865 155
The great battle of Yamazaki   Yamazaki ōsen no zu 山崎 大戦 之 圖 1865 (?) 155A! Definitely a different print from the previous one (an image of which has been found).
The death of the principal followers of Takechi Mitsuhide at the great battle of Yamazaki   Yamazaki ō-kassen Takechi shujū uchijini no zu 尼崎 大合戰 武智 主従 討死 之 圖
(山崎) (戦)
1865 (5) 156 The name of the battle is usually written with the first character 山; it is not known if this character (with a reading of ama) is simply a mistake on Yoshitoshi's part, or a subtle insult (it means 'nun').
The battle of Mt. Komaki from the Taikeiki   Taiheiki Komakiyama ō-kassen 太平記 小牧山 大合戰 (戦) 1865 (5I) 158$
Shimura Seizō captures the mountain woman alive at Yakeyama Pass   Yakeyamagoe Shimura Seizō yamauba o ikedoru 焼/燒山越 志村 政蔵 山姥 を 生捕 1865 159$
The battle between the Genji and Heike at Dan Bay   Genpei Dan-no-ura ō-kassen no zu 源平 壇之浦 大合戦 之 圖
1865 (6) 160
The great battle of the Koromo River   Koromo-gawa ō-kassen no zu 衣川 大合戰 之 圖
1865 (10) 160A! The Battle of Koromo River brought the end of Minamoto no Yoshitsune and his champion, Benkei.
Brave birds on the first day of the cock   Yūen no hatsutori 勇鳶 の 初酉 1865 161
Ushiwakamaru learns the martial arts from Sōjōbō   Ushiwakamaru Sōjōbō ni bujutsu o uku 牛若丸 僧正坊 に 武術 を 受く 1865 162
Picture of famous places on the Kisokaidō Road   Kisokaidō meisho zue 木曾街道 名所 圖絵 1865 164 Possibly a 3-panel extension to a 9-panel panorama of the Tōkaidō by Yoshitora
The great battle of Kawanakajima   Kawanakajima okassen 川中嶋 大合戰
(島) (戦)
1866 (2) 165$ This print may be distinguised from the identically-named #174 and #180 by the publisher and date.
New South Dutch Wales   Shinoranda minami Waruresukoku no zu 新和羝陀 南 和留連寿国 之 図 1866 (4) 167
The nations of the world trading at the port of France   Furansu minato shokoku kōeki no zu 仏蘭西 湊 諸国 交易 之 圖 (港) 1866 (4) 168
Akushichibyōe Kagekiyo appearing before Hatakeyama Shigetada at the Hall of the Great Buddha at the Tōdai-ji in Nara
    奈良 東大寺 においろ 悪七兵衛 景清 と 畠山 重忠 1866 (4) 169
Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasions of Korea   Toyotomi sankan seibatsu no zu 豊臣 三韓 征伐 之 圖 1866 (4) 170
[The forces of] Kai and Echigo Provinces at the great battle of Kawanakajima   Kōetsu Kawanakajima ō-kassen no zu 甲越 川中嶋 大合戦 之 圖 1866 (4) 171$
The three heroes swear loyalty in the peach orchard   San-ketsu momozono ketsu-gi [no] zu 三傑 桃園 結義 [の] 圖 1866 (5) 172$
The death of Yamamoto Kansuke at the great battle of Kawanakajima   Kawanakajima ō-kassen Yamamoto Dōsan {Dōki} uchijini no zu 川中嶋 大合戦 山本 道鬼 討没 之 図 1866 (6) 173 A number of sources seem to give 'Kansuke' as the name of this person (when looking using the kanji given here - although the usual kanji for 'Kansuke' are different), and he is a well-known person from that battle, but it's hard to reconcile that reading with the canonical ones for these characters. Perhaps it is a little-known nickname for him?
The viewing of the severed heads by the military genius Mashiba Hisayoshi and his retainers   Mashiba Hisayoshi buchi shūjū no kubijikken no zu 眞柴 久吉 武智 主従 之 首實撿 之 圖
(真) (首実検)
1866 (6) 173A! A once-common scene, not often depicted in ukiyo-e.

Mashiba Hisayoshi was the alternative name used by convention (in the Kabuki theatre and elsewhere) for Hashiba Hideyoshi, an early name of the military strongman Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

(Untitled)   Asahina Saburō Yoshihide
Tsubone? Matsushima?
朝比奈 三郎 義秀
?(局) 松嶌(島)
1866 (6) 173B! The exact form of the character which seems to be tsubone is not available in Unicode.
The great battle of Kawanakajima   Kawanakajima ō-kassen no zu 川中嶋 大合戰 之 圖
1866 (7) 174
Prince Genji dressed in the purple of Edo: The Peony Garden   Edo murasaki yatsushi {hanagata} Genji botan sono no kei 江戸 紫 花形 源氏 ぼたん 園 の 景 1866 (10) 175
Takeda's troops die in battle at Mt. Temmoku   Takeda zei Temmokuzan uchijini no zu 武田 勢 天目山 討死 之 圖 1866 (10) 176
Naoyuki conquers the old badger at Fukushima's mansion   Fukushima no yakata [ni oite] Naoyuki kori [o] taiji [no] zu 於吹島 之 館 直之 古狸 退治 [の] 圖
1866 (10-11) 177$
Masakiyo's difficult battle from the Taiheiki   Taiheiki Masakiyo nansen no zu 太平記 正清 難戰 之 圖 (戦) 1866 (10) 178
The great battle in the mist in Mino Province from the Taiheiki   Taiheiki Mino muchū ō-kassen 太平記 美濃 霧中 大合戰 (戦) 1866 (10) 179
The great battle of Kawanakajima   Kawanakajima ō-kassen no zu 川中嶋 大合戰 之 圖 (戦) 1866 (12) 180 Right half of hexaptych with #194
Odai Matarokurō sets fire to his palace and dies in the flames, terrifying the enemy troups with his courage   Odai Matarokurō mizukara shiro o yaki sono kakō ni irite jijaku to shite shisu tekigun kare ga yūmō ni kyōfu no zu 小田井 又六郎 自 焼 城 1866 (12) 181
Katō fights along the mountain road of Shizugamine   Shizugamine Katō sanro kumiuchi no zu 賤ヶ峰 加藤 山路 組討 [之] 図 1866 186 Probably Kato Kiyomasa
View of the great battle of the Ane River The great Battle of Ane-kawa Ane-kawa ō-kassen no zu 阿根川 大合戰 之 圖
(姉川) (戦)
1866 187$
The glory of Yoshitsune at Yashima   Yoshitsune Yashima no meiyo 義經 八島 之 名譽
(経) (名誉)
1866 (4) 188$
Chronicles of the Toyotomi Clan   Toyotomi kunkōki 豊臣 勲功記 1867 (1)-(6) 189/193 Series size: 2K
Hyōsokabe attacks Hori's encampment at night   Hyōsokabe Hori no jin youchi no zu 兵曽加部 堀 之 陣 江 夜討 圖 1867 (1) 189
View of the headquarters at the Battle of Shizugatake in the Taiheiki   Taiheiki Shizugatake honjin no zu 太平記 賎ヶ嶽 本陣 之 圖 1867 (1) 189A! The name of the Battle of Shizugatake is usually written with the characters 賤ヶ岳 now.
Snow, Moon, and Flowers with Valiant Warriors   Buyū setsugekka no uchi 武勇 雪月花 之 内 1867 (2) 190$ Series size: 3
The Quiver Plum at Ikuta Forest   Ikuta-mori webira-no-ume 生田森 ゑびら の 梅 1867 (2) 190.1 The 'we' is archaic; it is usually written えひら (ehira) now, although often still pronounced "ebira".
Moon of the five aspects   Gojū no tsuki 五條 乃 月
1867 (2) 190.2! There is probably a complicated visual pun here; gojū, written with a different last character, means "five cardinal Confucian virtues" (), or "five passions" ().
Snow at Yoshino   Yoshino no yuki 吉野 の 雪 1867 (2) 190.3!
A sash of new brocade weave   Kujira obi nishiki shingata 九字成 帯 錦 新𥜌/襖 1867 (4) 191/192 Series size: 3?

It is not clear that these three prints are really a series, since they are from different publishers; they are all about the same kabuki play.

(Untitled)   Hayase Iori
Adachi Yasuke
Adachi Motoemon
安達 弥助
1867 (4) 191 Keyes gives few details about this print, other than to list the publisher - Marujin - but it seems to be this one, published by Maruya Jinpachi.
Shown are (L to R) Sawamura Tosshō II as Hayase Iori; Nakamura Shikan IV as Adachi Yasuke; and Ōtani Tomoemon V as Adachi Motoemon.

Adachi Motoemon is sometimes read as Adachi Genemon, but the former reading seems to be the usual.

(Untitled)   Adachi Motoemon
Hayase Iori
Tōma Saburōemon
安達 元右衞門 (衛)
早瀬 伊織
東間 三郎右エ門
1867 (4) 192$ The identity of this print is not absolutely certain, as Keyes gives very few details about it, other than naming two of the personages shown in half-length portraits. Since they match, this is probably it. The publisher of this one is Ōmiya Kinkyū (Sawa Kyūjirō).

Shown are (from L to R) Ōtani Tomoemon V as Adachi Motoemon, Sawamura Tosshō II as Hayase Iori, and Bandō Hikosaburō V as Tōma Saburōemon.

(Untitled)   Adachi Motoemon
Hayase Iori
Tōma Saburōemon
安達 元右衞門
早瀬 伊織
東間 三郎右エ門
1867 (4) 192A! This one is published by Yamajin han (Yamashiroya Jinbei).
Chronicles of the Toyotomi Clan: The naval attack on Takamatsu Castle   Toyotomi kunkōki: Takamatsu-jō mizuseme no zu 豊臣 勲功記
高松城 水攻 之 圖
1867 (6) 193
The bloody battle of the brave generals of the Takeda clan   Takeda yūshō kessen [no] zu 武田 勇將 血戰 [之] 圖 (将) (戦) 1867 (6) 194 Left half of hexaptych with #180
The journey of the first song through the mountains of love
  Hatsune no tabi koi yamayama 魁音 [] 旅 戀 大?㒰
1867 (7) 195
Heroes and the Five Elements   Eiyū gogyō no uchi 英雄 五 行 之 内 1867 (7) 196 Series size: 3?
Earth: Akashi Gidayu races to Kyoto during the battle of Amagasaki   Do: Amagasaki kassen Akashi Gidayu Kyōto ni hashiru
尼ヶ崎 合戦 明石 儀太夫 京都 に はしる
1867 (7) 196.1
Water: Saitō Toshimitsu fighting Nonoma in the River Akuta   Mizu: Saitō Toshimitsu Akuta-gawa ni Nonoma o utsu
齋藤 利光 芥川 に 野之間 を 討殺
(斎) (利三)
1867 (7) 196.2!
Fire: Sassa Narimasa during a protracted battle in Kyūshū   Hi: Sassa Narimasa Kyūshū nansen no zu
佐々 成政 九州 難戦 之 圖
1867 (9) 196.3!
[The forces of] Eastern Kai Province at the great battle of Kawanakajima   Kōyō Kawanakajima ō-kassen 甲陽 川中島 大合戰 (戦) 1867 (7) 197$
The great battle of the Ane River in the Taiheiki   Taiheiki anegawa okassen 太平記 阿根川 大合戦 1867 (7) 198
(Untitled)   Shin Chūnagon Taira (no) Tomomori
Minomoto (no) Yoshitsune
Tsuke no Tsubone
新 中納言 平 知盛
源 義經 (経)
すけ の 局
1867 (7) 198A! A scene from the Kabuki play Ichinomori kujira no ōyose.
8 Views from Fine Tales of Warriors   Bidan musha hakkei 美談 武者 八景 1867 (8) - 1868 (2) 200 Series size: 8
Evening bell at Kōtoku Temple   Kōtoku-ji no banshō 光徳寺 の 晩鐘 1867 (8) 200.1
Returning sails in the Ryūkyū Islands   Ryūkyū no kihan 琉球 の 帰帆 1867 (9) 200.2 Tametomo and Neiwanjo.
Storm wind at Togakushi   Togakushi no seiran 戸隠 の 晴嵐 1868 (1) 200.3 Taira no Koremochi and the princess-demon
Evening glow at Mt. Saijō   Saijō-zan no yūshō 西条山 の 夕照 1868 (2) 200.4 Uesugi Terutora Nyūdō Kenshin (上杉 輝虎 入道 謙信) dancing before ghosts
Evening rain at Nagashino   Nagashino no ya-u 長篠 の 夜雨 1868 (2) 200.5 Torii Suneemon (鳥居 強右衛門) with herons
Descending geese at Yahagi Bridge   Yahagi no rakugan 矢矧 の 落雁 1868 200.6 Hachisuka Koroku Masakatsu (蓮菓 兒六 將勝) and a young Toyotomi Hideyoshi meet on a bridge.
The kan-ji used to write Masakatsu's name are not the usual ones (蜂須 小六 正勝); there is probably some sort of joke here.
Autumn moon of the Tōin   Tōin no aki [no] tsuki 洞院 の 秋 [の] 月 1868 200.7! This triptych is a precursor to the very famous later "Fujiwara no Yasumasa playing the flute by moonlight", Keyes #455.
Evening snow at Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine   Tsurugaoka no bosetsu 鶴岡 の 暮雪 1868 200.8! Shown here is the attack of Kugyō on his uncle Minamoto no Sanetomo, the Shōgun.
Drill of the French and English troops   Kiheitai hoheitai ōchōren no zu 騎兵体 歩兵体 大調練 之圖
1867 (8) 201a
Great Drill of the Three French and English Armies   Furansu Igirisu sankei ōchōren zu 佛蘭西 英吉利西 三兵 大調練 之 圖
1867 (8) 201b
Three deaths at Kawanakajima   Kawanakajima san-tōshi 川中島 三討死 1867 (10 - 11) 204$ Series size: 2?
View of the bloody fight between the pair of rivals  

Ryōyū kessen no zu

両雄 血戦 之 圖 1867 (10) 204.1! This was numbered before the earlier-discovered 204.2 to keep its date in sequence.
View of the death of Yamamoto Kansuke   Yamamoto Dōki {Dōsan} uchijini no zu 山本 道鬼 討死 之 圖 1867 (11) 204.2$ This print was originally numbered plain '204', before it was discovered to be part of a series.
The battle of Honnō-ji Temple   Honnō-ji kassen 本能寺 合戦 1867 205
The great battle of Awazugahara   Awazugahara okassen no zu 粟津ヶ原 大合戰 之 圖 (戦) 1867 (8) 206$
The battle of Honnō-ji Temple   Honnō-ji kassen 本能寺 合戦 1868 (1) 208*
Sōma's palace from the Zen Taiheiki   Zen Taiheiki Sōma dairi no zu 前 太平記 相馬 内裏 之 圖 1868 (2) 209
The fragrance of plum and alphabetical poem slips
  Ume kaoru iroha tanka 梅 薫 いろは 田家 1868 (2) 210
A record of the clan names of the 47 Ronin   Gishi seishiroku 義士 姓氏録 1868 (4) 212
View of the battle at Odai Castle in Shinano Province   Shinshū Odai-jō kassen no zu 信州 小田井城 合戰 之 圖
1868 (5) 218
The Battle of Yūki from the Chronicles of Oda Nobunaga   Shinchōki yūki kassen 信長記 結城 合戦 1868 (5) 219 Republished as #380, with a changed title, in 1877.
The brave fight of Shimura Seizo at the great battle of Aneganami from the Taiheiki   Taiheiki Aneganami ō-kassen Shimura Seizō yūsen no zu 太平記 姉ヶ波 大合戰 志村 政藏 勇戰 之 圖
(戦) (蔵)
1868 (7) 222
The battle of Nagashino: View of the death of Yamakake   Nagashino kassen: Yamakake uchijini no zu 長篠 合戦
山県 討死 之 圖
1868 (7) 224 Republished as #379, with a new title "Kagashima Sensō".
Possibly a series, with the following?
The battle of Nagashino: View of the death of Yamagata Saburōhei Masakage   Nagashino kassen: Yamagata Saburōhei Ma[sakage] uchijini no zu 長篠 合戰
山縣 三郎兵 衞[昌景] 討死 之 圖
(戦) (山県) (衛)
1868 (7?/9?) 224A! It is not certain if this is the same print as the one above or not; the publisher and date match, but the subtitle is quite different.
A humorous picture of heaven, earth, and hell   Kyōga tenjō jinkai jigoku zu 狂画 天上 人界 地獄 圖 1868 (8) 225
The Imperial procession entering Edo Castle at Sakurada gate   Sakuradamon-dōri kōgun no zu 桜田門通り 皇軍 之 圖 1868 (8) 226
The boat bridge at Rokugō in Musashi Province   Bushū rokugō funawatashi no zu 武州 六郷 船渡 [之] 圖 1868 (10) 228
A view of the Ōi River on the Tōkaidō Road   Tōkaidō Ōi-gawa fūkei no zu 東海道 大井川 風景 之 圖 1868 (10) 229
[Part 1:] The street at Naka Bridge in Tokyo   Tōkyō-fu Naka-bashi tsūgai no zu 東京府 中橋 通街 之 圖 1868 (10) 230a These three triptychs together can form an enneaptych.

The architectural backgrounds are by his pupil Toshikage.

Part 2: Kyō Bridge in Tōkyō   Sono ni
Tōkyō-fu Kyō-bashi no zu
其 二
東京府 京橋 之 圖
1868 (10) 230b
Part 3: Ginza Street in Tōkyō   Sono san
Tōkyō-fu Ginza-dōri no zu
其 三
東京府 銀坐通 之 圖 (座)
1868 (10) 230c$
Kiyomori and the history of Nunobiki Waterfall: The spirit of Akugenta Yoshihira strikes Namba Jirō   Kiyomori nyūdō Nunobiki no taki yūran Akugenta Yoshihira no rei Namba Jirō o utsu 清盛 入道 布引 [の] 滝 遊覧 悪源太義平 [の] 霊 討 難婆 次郎 1868 235 ōban vertical triptych
The argument about oars for reversing during the Genpei War   Genpei sakaro-ron 源平 逆櫓論 1868 236$
The battle of Katsushika from the Hakkenden   Hakkenden Katsushika kassen 八犬伝 葛飾 合戦 1868 237
The Kaga clan and the Imperial troops at Akamondori   Kagake Akamondori kōgun no zu 加賀家 赤門通り 皇軍 之 圖 1868 238
The Emperor's procession enters Edo Castle on the 20th of the 9th months   Kugatsu hatsuka tōkō gonyūjō no zu 九月 廿日 東幸 御入城 之 圖 1868 239
The fame of Moritsuna and Fujito at the ford   Moritsuna Fujito watari kōmei no zu 盛綱 藤戸 渡 高名 之 圖 1868 240
The Battle of Yoshino from the chronicles of Lord Kusunoki   Nankōki Yoshino kassen 楠公記 吉野 合戦 1868 241
The four companions of Minamoto Yorimitsu   Raikō shitennō 頼光 四天王 1868 242
The Imperial forces at Sakurada Gate
  Sakuradamon-dōri kōgun no zu 桜田門通り 皇軍 之 圖 1868 243* Same as #226?
Sasaki and Kajiwara cross the Uji River   Sasaki Kajiwara Uji-gawa sento 佐々木 梶原 宇治川 先登 1868 244
The appearance of the seven-headed dragon god   Shichimen daimyōjin shutsugen 七面 大明神 出現 1868 246
The fierce fighting of Shina Sakon Tomoyuki   Shina Sakon Tomoyuki funsen 品 左近 友之 奮戦 1868 247
The naval attack on Takamatsu, from the Taiheiki   Taiheiki no uchi Takamatsu mizuseme 太平記 之 内 高松 水攻 1868 248
The Life of Hideyoshi   Taikōki 太功記
1868 249 Series Size: 1?
Conference of the Shōgitai
  Shōgitai hyōdō no zu 彰義隊 評定 [之] 圖 1868 250
The bloody battle of the Takeda warriors   Takeda yūshi kessen no zu 武田 勇士 血戦 之 圖 1868 251
Yamamoto Kansuke kills the wild boar   Yamamoto Kansuke mōi o utsu 山本 勘助 猛猪 を 撃つ 1868 252
The torture of Zennojō's naked body   Zennojō hadakazeme no zu 膳之城 裸責 之 圖 1868 253
A competition among powerful magicians   Gōketsu kijutsu kurabe 豪傑 奇術 競/竸 1869 (12) 260/261 Series size: 2K
        1869 (12) 260 Seated woman in right panel
        1869 (12?) 261 Frog in right panel
The retreat of the good fellows (?)   Gitō taiton no zu 義当 退屯 [之] 圖 1869 265
Owari Street in Tōkyō   Tōkyō Owari-chō no zu 東京 尾張町 之 圖 1869 266
A Record of the Advancement of Toyotomi Hideyoshi   Toyotomi shōshinroku 豊臣 昇進録 ca. 1869 267 Series size: 3K
(Untitled) Shima Sakon Tomoyuki battling Saitō Daihachirō Toshitsugu Saitō Daihachirō Toshitsugu
Shima Sakon Tomoyuki
齋藤 大八郎 利次 (斎)
嶋 左近 友之 (島)
ca. 1869 267.1$
Young Hideyoshi demands an apology from Hachisuka Koroku on Yahagi Bridge       ca. 1869 267.2
Hideyoshi advances Prince Sambōshi during a ceremony at Daitoku-ji       ca. 1869 267.3
Chronicle of the Ascent of Toyotomi Hideyoshi: The battle of Fujikawa   Toyotomi unshōroku: Fujikawa kassen 豊臣 雲昇録
富士川 合戦
1869? 268 Series?


Title (English) Alternative Titles Title (Rōmaji) Title (Kanji) Date Keyes No. Comments
A geisha establishment in Tōkyō   Tōkyō girō ichiran 東亰 妓樓 弌覽
(楼) (覧)
1870 (3) 269$
A picture of foreign carts and carriages   Gaikoku kuruma zukushi no zu 外国 車 盡? 之 圖 1871 (7) 273
Picture of the railroad at Takanawa   Takanawa tetsudō no zu 高輪 鉄道 之 圖 1871 (9) 275
Famous places in Tōkyō - Takanawa: Complete view of the steam train and railroad Tōkyō meishō - Takanawa: Jōkisha tetsudō no zenzu 東亰 名勝 高輪
蒸氣車 鉄道 之 全圖 (蒸気)
1871 (9) 276$ Although meisho is usually written with the characters 名所, the alternative term used here (pronounced meishō) is also known.
The horse race for foreigners and Japanese at Shōkonsha in Tokyo   Tōkyō Shōkonsha naigaijin keiba no zu 東京 招魂社 内外人 競/竸馬 [之] 圖 1871 (9) 277
The festival for the opening of the Sumida River at Ryōgoku   Ryōgoku Kawabiraki no zu 両国 川開き の 圖 1871 279
The Yokohama railroad
  Yokohama tetsudō no zu 横浜 鉄道 之 圖 1872? 282*
Sakakibara Kenkichi's fencing group Sakakibara Kenkichi's fencing match Gekkenkai Sakakibara Kenkichi 撃剣会 榊原 健吉 1873 (4) 283
View of the military honours for the brave samurai of the battle of Sekigahara   Sekigahara yūshi gunshō no zu 関ヶ原 勇士 軍賞 之 圖 1873 (11) 284$
Ōsaka war chronicle Sanada Yukimura hunting for Tokugawa Ieyasu in the snow Ōsaka gunki 大坂 軍記 1873 (12) 285$ Sanada Yukimura never used the name 'Yukimura' himself; contemporary primary historical sources show that he used the name Nobushige (信繁). The name 'Yukimura' came from a military novel written in the Edo Period, and it has now become almost universally used.
The difficult battle at Daiju-ji Temple from the Later Gazetteer of Mikawa   Mikawa Gofudōki no uchi Daiju-ji gonansen no zu 三河 後風土記 之 内 大樹寺 御難戦 之 圖 1873 (12) 286 Entirely different kanji for 'gofudōki' from #316, which has the same word!
Ieyasu's difficulty during the summer battle at Osaka Castle   Ōsaka natsu no gojin gokinan no zu 大阪 夏 [之] 御陣 御危難 之 圖 1874 (8) 290
The twenty-eight deified generals of the Tokugawa clan   Tokugawa nijūhas-shōjin 徳川 弍拾八 將神
(弐) (二十八) (将 神)
1874 (8) 291$
Fallen blossoms in the snow   Kōsui sanka [no] yuki 江水 散花 [之] 雪 1874 (11) 293
The battle of Fushimi in Yamashiro Province:
Keio 4th year (5th cycle year) 1st month 3rd day
  Jōshū ni oite Fushimi sensō no zu:
Keiō shi-nen boshin shōgatsu san-nichi
城州 [に] 於 伏見 戦争 之 圖
慶應 四年 戊辰 正月 三日
1874 (11) 294 #294 and #295 together form a hexaptych.
The attack on Bungo Bridge and Kanmon Gate at Fushimi   Sono ni Fushimi Kanmongushi Bungo-bashi shingeki no zu 其 二 伏見 関門口 豊後橋 進撃 之 圖 1874 (11) 295
The battle of Lower Toba at Fushimi in Yamashiro Province   Jōshū Fushimi: Shimotoba kassen no zu 城州 伏見
下鳥羽 合戰 之 図 (戦)
1874 (11) 296
The Taiwan News: Attack on Sekimon and the subjugation of Botansha   Taiwan Shinbun: Botan seibatsu Sekimon no shingeki 臺湾 新門 牡丹 征伐 石門 [之] 進撃
(台湾 新聞)
1874 (11) 297
Minister Benri negotiates in Peking over the Taiwan Incident   Dai Nihon Benri daijin Shina ni oite Pekin Taiwan jiken giketsu no zu 大 日本 弁理 大臣 支那 [に] 於 北京 台湾 事件 議決 [之] 圖 1874 (11) 298
The bravery of Kona Isamu at Katsunuma in Rai Province   Kōshū Katsunuma eki ni oite Kondō Isamu gyōyū no zu 甲州 勝沼 驛 [に] 於 近藤 勇 驍勇 之 圖 (駅) 1874 (12) 299
The burning of the Monjurō Hall at Tōeizan Temple in Ueno   Tōeizan Monjurō yakiuchi no zu 東叡山 文珠樓 焼討 之 図
1874 (12) 300
The bloody battle of the Imperial forces and the fleeting troops at Hakodate Harbor   Hakodate-kō kampei dappei kessen no zu 函館湊 官兵 脱兵 血戦 之 圖 1874 (12) 301
May rain   Satsuki no ame 皐月 の 雨 1874 (12) 302
The Battle of Sannōzan at Tōeizan Temple in Ueno   Tōdai Sannōzan sensō no zu 東台 山王山 戦争 之 圖 1874 (12) 303
The Battle of Aizu Wakamatsu   Aizu Wakamatsu sensō zu 会津 若松 戦争 圖 1874 304
The fall of the castle during the revolt in Amakusa   Amakusa ikki rakujō zu 天草 一揆 落城 圖 1874 305
View of Sakai Tadatsugu striking the clock drum Sakai Tadatsugu strikes the clock drum at Hamamatsu Castle Sakai Tadatsugu toki-ko da(su) no zu 酒井 忠次 時鼓 打 之 圖 1874 307$
The battle of the Yodo River in Yamashiro Province   Jōshū Yodo-gawa sensō zu 城州 淀川 戦争 圖 1874 308
The delivery of food for the troops at Ōtaka in Owari Province   Bishū Ōtaka hyōrōiri [no] zu 尾州 大髙 兵糧入 [之] 圖
(高) (兵粮)
1875 (3) 312$
Portraits of the generations of the Tokugawa clan   Tokugawa ruidai zōken 徳川 累代 像顕 1875 (3) 314
Postal News Postal Newspaper Yūbin hōchi shinbun 郵便 報知 新聞 1875 (4) - 1876 315 Series size: 61? & Title; all single ōban, except for one one triptych.
No. 1055: The great fire that began in Sukiya-chō on 29 November 1876 and burned all night, causing tremendous damage       1876 (y) 315.59
Annals of the Tokugawa Administration   Tokugawa chiseki nenkan kiji 徳川 治績 年間 紀事 1875 (8) - 1876 319 Series size: 10K

The -indono (院殿), found in many of the captions for this series, is an honorific appended to the posthumous names of Shōguns; often shortened to -in, appended to the name to indicate that it is their Buddhist dharma name.

The founder - Lord Ieyasu (Yasukuni-in)   Sho-dai
Yasukuni-indono Ieyasu-kō
安國 院殿 家康 公
  319.1 Honda Heihachirō coming to the rescue of Tokugawa Ieyasu during the battle at Magome.

The posthumous name given here, Yasukuni (安國), meaning 'peaceful country', is not Ieyasu's normal one (Tōshō Daigongen, 東照大権現, "Great Buddha, Light of the East"). It is no doubt a tribute to his legacy.

Reprinted as #538.

The second of the line - Lord Hidetada (Daitoku-in) Posthumous name occasionally given as 'Taitoku' Ni-dai
Daitoku-indono Hidetada-kō
台徳 院殿 秀忠 公
  319.2 Hidetada is shown here fleeing with Ōkubo from Sanada Daisuke at the Battle of ōsaka Castle.
The third of the line - Lord Iemitsu (Taiyū-in) Posthumous name occasionally given as 'Daiyū' San-dai
Taiyū-indono Iemitsu-kō
大猷 院殿 家光 公
  319.3 The insolence of Nankōbō Tenkai, the founder of Kanei-ji Temple, to Iemitsu.
The fourth of the line - Lord Ietsuna (Gen'yū-in)   Yo-dai
Gen'yū-indono Ietsuna-kō
厳有 院殿 家綱 公
  319.4 Ietsuna is shown visiting the family's mausoleum at Nikkō
The fifth of the line - Lord Tsunayoshi (Jōken-in)   Go-dai
Jōken-indono Tsunayoshi-kō
常憲 院殿 綱吉 公
  319.5 Yanagizawa Yatarō entertaining the fifth shōgun, Tsunayoshi, with courtesans
The seventh of the line - Lord Ietsugu (Yūshō-in)   Shichi-dai
Yūshō-indono Ietsugu-kō
有章 院殿 家継 公
  319.6 Entertainment of the infant Ietsugu, the seventh shōgun
The twelfth of the line - Lord Ieyoshi (Shintoku-in)   Jū-ni-dai
Shintoku-indono Ieyoshi-kō
鎮徳 院殿 家慶 公
  319.7 The barge of the twelfth shōgun, Ieyoshi, on the Sumida River
The thirteenth of the line - Lord Iesada (Onkyō-in)   Jū-san-dai
Onkyō-indono Iesada-kō
温恭 院殿 家定 公
  319.8 Iesada, the thirteenth shōgun, watching a sumō match between Koyanagi Jōkichi and Arauma Daigorō at Fukiage Garden
The fourteenth of the line - Lord Iemochi (Shōtoku-in)   Jū-yon-dai
Shōtoku-indono Iemochi-kō
昭徳 院殿 家茂 公
  319.9 Iemochi, the fourteenth shōgun, watching his forces in mock combat at Ōsaka Castle
The fifteenth of the line - Lord Tokugawa Yoshinobu   Jūgo-dai
Tokugawa Yoshinobu-kō
徳川 慶喜 公
ca. 1876 319.10 Yoshinobu, the fifteenth and final Tokugawa shōgun, escaping to his ship, Kanyōmaru, after the battle of Toba-Fushimi
Series continues as #340.
Sailors of the Unyōkan attack Kōka in Korea   Unyōkan heishi Chōsen Kōka tatakai no zu 雲揚艦 兵士 朝鮮 江華 戦 之 圖
1875 (10) 320
Picture of the successful attack on the Korean forces at Kōka Bay by the angry sailors of the Japanese ship Unyōkan, which was shelled while engaged in nautical surveying       ca. 1875 (10) 321
On the third day of the third month of 1858 the Mito samurai gathered on Atago Hill in Shiba to drink their last farewell, having decided to assassinate Ii Tairō, the Lord of Hakone, to avenge the disgrace of their late master       ca. 1875 (10) 322*
Yorozuyo Bridge in Tōkyō   Tōkei Yorozuyo-bashi 東京 萬代橋 之 図 ca. 1875 (10) 323
The Progress of the Fragrant Waves of Mito (Segi)   Mito rōhōchoku 水戸 浪芳捗 1875 326
Famous patriots of the nation   Jinchū hōkoku kōmei ichiran 盡忠 報国 高名 一覧 1875 327
View of Ryogoku Bridge in Tōkyō   Tōkei Ryōgoku-bashi no zu 東京 兩國橋 之 圖 (両国)
1875 329 The kan-ji sub-title has not been read
A brothel in Tōkyō   Tōkyō giro ichiran 東京 妓楼 一覧 1875 330* "Probably a duplicate of #269."
Kawanakajima and color prints of the Eastern capital
  Kawanakajima Tōto nishiki-e 川中島 東都 錦絵 1876 (3) 332
The suppression of the outlaws at Kumamoto   Kumamoto zokuto tōbatsu no zu 熊本 賊徒 討伐 之 圖 1876 (11.11) 339
Annals of the Meiji Period   Meiji shōshi nenkan kiji 明治 小史 年間 紀事 1876 (9.11) - 1877 (14.2) 340 Series size: 5K
The death of the insurgents in the Kumamoto Rebellion   Kumamoto bōdō zoku sakigake uchijini no zu 熊本 暴動 賊魁 討死 之 図 ca. 1876 (11) 340.1
The capture of the outlaws at Uryū Harbor   Uryū kō nite zoku sakigake hobaku no zu 宇龍 港 ニテ 賊 魁 捕縛 之 図 1876 (22.11) 340.2
The Empress at the railway station in Nishikyō   Kōgō miya Saikyō gyōkei tetsudō kan hassha no zu 皇后 宮 西亰 行啓 鐵道 舘 發車 之 圖
(西京) (鉄道) (館) (発車)
1876 (5.12) 340.3
The revolt of the stubborn peasants in Mie Prefecture       1877 (1) 340.4
The rebel insurrection in the Kagoshima disturbance   Kagoshima kenka zokuto hōki no jiken 鹿兒島 縣下 賊徒 蜂起 之 ?件 1877 (14.2) 340.5
View of the major battle against the villains of the Hagi Rebellion   Kyōzoku bōdō Hagi taisen no zu 兇賊 暴動 萩 大戦 之 圖 340.6! The Hagi Rebellion was one of the samurai uprisings against the new Japanese government in the early Meiji period.
An illustrated report from Kumamoto   Kumamoto dempō {denpō} zuga 熊本 傳報 圖畫
(伝報) (圖画)
ca. 1876 (11) 341 The reading 'denpō' is possibly preferred
An illustrated telegram from Kumamoto   Kumamoto dempō zusho 熊本 伝報 図 1876 342*
(Meaning unclear)   Murasaki nobe ippon 紫 野辺 一品 ? 1876 343
The great battle of Yashima   Yashima ō-kassen [no] zu 八嶋 大合戦 圖 1876 344$
View of a banquet for the Toyotomi clan by Lord Tokugawa   Tokugawa-kō Toyotomi [no] shokō kyōō [no] zu 徳川公 豊臣 [之] 諸侯 饗應 [之] 圖
1877 (1) 345$
Brave warriors of the Shimazu clan   Shimazu-ke eiyū-zoroi 島津家 英雄揃
1877 (2) 346
A picture of the news from Kagoshima   Shinbun Kagoshima utsushi-e {mosha} 新聞 鹿児嶌 模冩
1877 (2) 347 Attack at a school
A chronicle of the pursuit of the rebels at Kagoshima   Kagoshima bōto tsuitōki 鹿兒島 暴徒 追討記
1877 (2) 348
A chronicle of the subjugation of Kagoshima in Satsuma Province   Sasshū Kagoshima
Sei-tōki no uchi
薩州 鹿兒島
征討記 之 内
1877 (3.3) 349$ This one may be distinguished from the identically-titled #355.1 by the date and publisher.
Chronicle of the Conquest of Kagoshima   Kagoshima seitō ki no uchi 鹿児島 征討 記 之 内 1877 (13.3) 351 Series size: 2K
Officer Nozu retrieves the national flag during the battle at the mouth of the Takase River       1877 (13.3) 351.1
Shinohara Kunimoto battles on horseback near Kumamoto Castle       1877 (13.3) 351.2
A Chronicle of the Subjugation of Kagoshima: View of the battle to and fro in close quarters at Kumamoto Castle   Kagoshima seitō ki no uchi: Kumamoto-jō yori shosho sensō [no] zu 鹿兒島 征討 記 之 内
ヨリ 諸所 戰争 [之] 圖
1877 352$ Series size: 2?

Yori is actually a 'term of art' from sumo, meaning "pushing back one's opponent while locked in close quarters" - an interesting transposition to use it to describe a military confrontation.

(Untitled) Major General Miura battling Kirino Toshiaki at the battle of Asayama.
("Miura" would be Miura Gorō)
Nakane Yoneshichi
Miura shōshō
Kirino Toshiaki
中根 米七
三浦 少将
1877 (16.3) 352.1$ These two prints together can form a single hexaptych.
(Untitled) Colonel Nozu with flag on horseback.
(It is not yet clear if this refers to Nozu Michitsura (野津 道貫 - 1841-1908) or his older brother Nozu Shizuo (野津 鎮雄 - 1835-1880).)
Shinohara Kunimoto
Nozu taisa
篠原 國幹 (国)
野津 大佐
1877 (16/26.3) 352.2$
Accounts of the subjugation of Kagoshima: The main encampment at Kawajiri-guchi in Kumamoto   Kagoshima seitō kibun no uchi: Kumamoto Kawajiri-guchi honkan? (honei?) no zu 鹿兒島 征討 紀聞 之 内 (児)
熊本 川尻口 本管 之 圖
1877 (19.3) 353$ Possibly a series with #360.
The actual fourth character in the sub-title is likely , but this is not in most fonts.
Keyes gives as the last significant character in the sub-title (which makes more sense), but the print clearly shows the other - perhaps Yoshitoshi was indulging in some subtle word-play?
Oral records of Kagoshima: The death of Second-in-Command Murata Kagoshima kibun no uchi: Fukushō Murata uchijini no zu 鹿児嶌 紀聞 之 内
副將 村田 討死 之 圖
1877 (20.3) 354 Series?
A Chronicle of the Subjugation of Kagoshima in Satsuma Province   Sasshū Kagoshima: Seitō ki no uchi 薩州 鹿児嶋
征討 記 之 内
1877 355 Series size: 2?
The death of Murata Sansuke       1877 (26.3) 355.1 Shinohara Kunimoto (篠原 國幹) on horseback; Murata Sansuke (村田 三介[助]) dying.
View of the brave fight by the women's squad of rebels The outlaw women's brigade in fierce battle Zokuto no jo-tai yūsen no zu 賊徒 之 女隊 勇戦 之 圖 1877 (1.5) 355.2
Imperial forces attacking the rebel troops at Kagoshima
      1877 (3) 356
A picture of the battle with the rebels at Kawajiri and Takahashi in Kagoshima Prefecture   Kagoshima bōto Takahashi narabi Kawajiri sensō no zu 鹿兒嶋 縣 暴徒 高橋 并 川尻 戦争 ノ 圖
(鹿児嶋) (県)
ca. 1877 (3) 357$ ōban triptych, or right portion of polyptych
The 11th character isn't in Unicode; it's similar to 㞍
A chronicle of the war in the South-West   Seinan sentōki 西南 戦聞記 1877 (1.4) 358
A chronicle of the war in Kagoshima: The main camp at Kawajiri   Kagoshima sensō ki: Kawajiri honei no zu 鹿児島 戦争 記
川尻 本営 之 圖
1877 (16.4) 359$ Series?
A complete chronicle of the conquest of Kagoshima   Kagoshima seitō zenki no uchi 鹿児嶌 征討 全記 之 内 1877 360 It is not clear that these two form a series; they are by different publishers, and the cartouche format is different.
#353 may possibly be part of the series also; it has a slightly different title, but the same title cartouche format as 360.1, and the same publisher as 360.2.
The navy lands at Sukuchi Village   Kaigun Sukuchi-mura [he] jōriku no zu 海軍 須口村 [へ] 上陸 之 圖 1877 (23.4) 360.1
The moment of death of Takamori and his followers at Castle Mountain   Ni oite Shiro-yama Takamori ika saigo [no] zu 於 城山 隆盛 以下 最期 [之] 圖 1877 (4.10) 360.2! There is a typical wording double-play here; 'saigo' (meaning 'moment of death') is also Takamori's other name, when written with different characters.
New documents from Kagoshima: Saigō's inspection of Mt. Hanaoka   Kagoshima shinshi no uchi
Saigō Hanaoka-yama junken
鹿兒島 新誌 [之] 内
西郷 花岡山 巡見
(鹿児島) (花冈山) (巡検)
1877 (4) 361$ Series?
Pictures of men loyal to the Emperor   Kōchō kinnō gafu 皇朝 勤王 画譜 1877 (7) 362
The prefect of police takes food and drink with officers of the military forces   Keishi kaku-tai tamamono sakesakana no zu 警視 各隊 賜 酒肴 之 圖 1877 (21.9) 363
The suicide of Saigō Takamori   Saigō Takamori seppuku [no] zu 西郷 隆盛 切腹 [之] 圖
1877 (9) 364$
The Famous Thousand Gourds of Hideyoshi
  Oto ni hibiku sennari byōtan 音 [に] 響 千成 瓢 1877 (9) 365
Examination of the heads of rebels after the suppression of Kagoshima   Kagoshima chintei kubi jikken no zu 鹿児嶋 鎮定 首 実検 之 図 1877 (5.11) 366
The suppression of the outlaws at Kagoshima   Kumamoto zokuto tōbatsu no zu 熊本 賊徒 討伐 之 圖 1877 (11) 367 Same as #339?
Report from Kagoshima: A view of the two heroes in bloody battle   Kagoshima denpō: Sōyū kessen no zu 鹿児嶋 電報
雙雄 血戦 之 図
1877 (20.11) 368
A chronicle of the revolt of the Akizuki in Chikuzen Province   Chikuzen Akizuki bōdō-ki 筑前国 秋月 暴動記 1877 371
The death of officer Murata   Fukushō Murata uchijini 副将 村田 討死 1877 372* Probably the same as number #354
The surrender of the rebels at Kagoshima   Kagoshima bōto kōsan no zu 鹿兒島 暴徒 降参 之 圖
1877 373$
Biographies of the rebels at Kagoshima   Kagoshima bōto shōzō ryakuden 鹿兒島 暴徒 省像 畧傳
(鹿児島) (肖像) (略伝)
1877 375$
Accounts of Kagoshima   Kagoshima kiji 鹿児嶋 記事 1877 376 Satsuma forces marching in snow
View of the two heroes of Kagoshima in personal combat The two heroes of Kagoshima attack a man on horseback Kagoshima ryōyū ikkiuchi no zu 鹿兒島 两勇 一騎討 之 圖
(児) (両)
1877 377$
An oral account of the subjugation of Kagoshima   Kagoshima seitō kibun 鹿児島 征討 紀聞 1877 378 Saigo and crying boy outside encampment
The war at Kagoshima   Kagoshima sensō no zu 鹿児島 戦争 [之] 圖 1877 379 Republication of Nagashino kassen, #224
The war at Kagoshima   Kagoshima sensō no zu 鹿児島 戦争 [之] 圖 1877 380 Republication of Shinchōki yūki kassen, #219, with a long explanatory text in upper right, and the warrior on the horse changed to Shinohara Kunimoto
Using floor mats for shields in the Kagoshima War   Kagoshima sensō tatami-date no zu 鹿兒嶋 戰争 疊楯 [之] 圖
(鹿児嶋) (戦争) (畳楯)
1877 381
News from Kagoshima   Kagoshima shimpō 鹿兒島 新報 (児) 1877 382
A biography of Saigo Takamori   Saigo Takamori ichidaiki 西郷 隆盛 一代記
1877 383
A chronicle of the war in Kagoshima in Satsuma Province   Sasshū Kagoshima senki 薩州 鹿児島 戦記 1877 384 Half-length portraits of seven rebel leaders
Chronicle of the pacification of the South-West   Seinan chinzeiki 西南 鎮西記 1877 385 Cavalry duel in the rain
The military fall of the South-West (?)   Seinan no ekibotsu (?) 西南 の 役没 ? 1877 387
Snow, Moon, and Flowers in the Southwest   Seinan setsugekka 西南 雪月花 1877 389 Series size: 1?
Departure from camp in the snow at Kawajiri       1877 389.1
Saigō Takamori's last battle at Shiroyama   Takamori Shiroyama saigo no issen 隆盛 城山 最期 の 一戦 1877 390
Saigō and Kirino compose poems in the sunshine of the peak of the Takachiho region Saigō and Kirino compose poems on Takachiho Peak Hinata no kuni Takachiho no mine ni Takamori Kirino to dōi no shika o ginzuru zu 日向 之 國 髙千穂 の 峯 に? 隆盛 桐野 と 同意 の 詩歌 を 吟ずる 圖
(国) (高千穂)
1877 391$
View of Saigō Takamori in the great battle at Miyako Castle   Saigō Takamori Miyako-[no]-jō nite taisen no zu 西郷 隆盛 都 [の] 城 ニテ 大戦 之 圖
1877 393$
Saigō Takamori besieged in the castle   Takamori rōjō-zeme no zu 隆盛 籠城攻 之 圖 1877 394$
Saigō Takamori attacking the Dragon Castle   Takamori Ryū-jō-zeme no zu 隆盛 龍城攻 之 圖 1877 394A! It is not clear if this is the same print as the one above, or not. It is possible that Keyes mis-read the as , but the listing indicates he saw this print, and if so, one would have thought the subject matter of the print would have indicated the title would bear a check?
Saigō Takamori's last moments at Shiroyama   Takamori Shiroyama saigo no zu 隆盛 城山 最期 の 圖 1877 395* Possibly the same as #390?
News from Kagoshima: View of the parting of Takamori and his beloved concubine   Kagoshima shimpō: Takamori jin-ai mekake ribetsu [no] zu 鹿児島 新報
隆盛 仁愛 妾 離別 [之] 圖
1877 395A!
A chronicle of tranquility after the subjugation of the West   Seisei heion-ki 征西 平穏記
1877 or 1888 397 Possibly '1878' was meant for the latter date?
The Eastern wind clears away the clouds in the South-West   Okige {Seinan} no kumo harau {harasu} asagochi {asakochi} 西南 [の] 雲 晴 朝東風 ca. 1878 (3) 403* Possibly the same as #401 or #402 (unlisted diptychs of the same title)?
Famous soldiers of Japan   Nihon bumei-den 日本 武名傳 (伝) 1878 (5) 407
A chronology of rulers of Japan   Kōkoku rekidai kinnō kurabe 皇國 歴代 勤王 竸
1878 (11 or 12) 408
The Imperial spring poetry competition   Shunkyō o-utakai 春興 御歌會
1879 (20.1) 413
Akamatsu Manyū and the white plum banner
  Akamatsu Manyū ume no shirohata 赤松 満祐 梅 [の] 白旗 1879 (2) 416
(Untitled) Ichikawa Danjurō IX as Musashibō Benkei in 'Kanjinchō'   市川 団十郎 武蔵坊 弁慶
1879 (2) 417
Short Illustrated History of Great Japan Simple Illustrated History of Great Japan
Concise Illustrated History of Great Japan
Pictorial Outline of Japanese History
Dai nihon shiryaku zue 大日本 史略 圖會
(大 日本 史略 図会)
1879 (4) - 1880 (20.4) 418 Series size: 8?+2K
Amaterasu Ōmikami       1879 (4) 418.1
Emperor Yūryaku       1879 (29/4) 418.2
Emperor Itoku       1879 418.3
Empress Jingū       1879 (4) 418.4
Emperor Kameyama       1879 418.5
Series continues into 1880 (next section).
The Kagoshima rebels leaving camp for battle   Kagoshima bōto shutsujin [no] zu 鹿兒嶋 暴徒 出陣 [之] 圖
1879 420
Court ladies board a train at the station   Kanjo sutēshon chakusha no zu 官女 ステーシヨン 着車 ノ 圖 1879 421$
Six poets of imperialism   Kinnō kokufu rokkasen 勤王 國風 六家撰 1879 422$ The kan-ji used for kasen here are not the usual ones - 歌仙 - which mean 'great poet'; these (meaning 'in-house' and 'composing') have more of a sense of 'poet laureate'.
Kusonoki Masashige reports the matter of the imperial consort to the Emperor   Nankōki Masashige jugo no koto o sōmon zu 楠公記 正成 循后 の 亊 を 奏聞 図
1879 423
The crescent moon   Yumiharizuki 弓張月 1879 424


Title (English) Alternative Titles Title (Rōmaji) Title (Kanji) Date Keyes No. Comments
Short Illustrated History of Great Japan Dai nihon shiryaku zue 大日本 史略 圖會
(大 日本 史略 図会)
1879 (4) - 1880 (20.4) 418 Series size: 8?+2K
Emperor Antoku       1880 (20.4) 418.6
Emperor Takakura       1880 (20.4) 418.7
Emperor Keikō       1880 418.8
Emperor Sutoku       1880 418.9
Emperor Go-Daigo       1880 418.10
Emperor Jimmu     神武 天皇 1880 418.11
The disastrous end of Chief Minister Ii   Ii Tairō sōnan 井伊 大老 遭難 1880 429 The two prints of this series can be united to form a hexaptych.
  1880 429.1 Left-hand triptych; lake and moat
  1880 429.2 Right-hand triptych bridge and gate
Court ladies composing linked verse at a cherry blossom party   Kanjo ōen renga no zu 官女 桜筵 連歌 之 圖 1880 430
A bugaku performance at the Imperial Palace during the Doll Festival   Hinamatsuri Shishinden bugaku no zu 雛祭 紫震殿 舞楽 之 図
ca. 1880 432
Ushiwaka learns the martial arts on Mt. Kurama The young Minamoto no Yoshitsune learns the martial arts on Mt. Kurama Kurama-yama sōjōdani {sōjōkei} ni Ushiwakamaru gekitō remma no zu 鞍馬山 僧上蹊 [に] 牛孺麿 撃刀 練磨 之 図
(僧正段位) (牛若丸)
1880 434
The great battle of Yashima   Yashima ō-kassen no zu 矢嶋 大合戦 之 圖 1881 (2.5) 437
The great battle between the Genji and the Heike at Yashima   Genpei Yashima ō-kassen no zu 源平 矢嶋 大合戦 之 圖 1881 439
Ushiwaka and Benkei duelling on Gojō Bridge: An episode from the Chronicles of Yoshitsune   Gikeiki Gojō-bashi no zu 義經記 五條橋 之 圖
(経) (条)
1881 440$
The supernatural beings at Shirazunoyabu in Yawata   Shirazunoyabu Yawata no jikkai 不知籔 八幡 之 實怪
(藪/薮) (実怪)
1881 443 This title probably includes some of the wordplay one sometimes sees in print titles; a related term, yawatanoyabushirazu, seems to mean 'laybyrinth' or 'maze'.
The rōmaji or translation might be incorrect; the kanji is definitely correct, though; it has been checked against an image of the print.
Portraits of rulers of the Tokugawa clan   Tokugawa rekidai shōzō 徳川 歴代 肖像 1881 444
Six new monsters   Shinyō rokkaisen 新容 六怪撰 1882 (10.5) 445 Possibly a series, given the title?

The known print shows Kiyomori in the skull garden.

The great deed of attacking Korea: High spirits in Japan   Seikan ikō Nihon no genki 征韓 偉功 日本 之 元氣 (気) 1882 (8) 447$ Reprinted as #527.
View of the great conference on the conquest of Korea   Chōsen seibatsu daihyōjō [no] zu 朝鮮 征伐 大評定 [之] 圖 1882 (8) 448$ The exact second character in the title does not seem to be either in any dictionary the curators have access to, or in Unicode either.
A comic entertainment of the Seven Lucky Gods   Shichifukujin tawamure no zu 七福神 戯 之 図 1882 (10) 449
Noble women with snow, moon, and flowers   Kifujin setsugekka 貴婦人 雪月花 1882 450
Fujiwara no Yasumasa playing the flute by moonlight: A painting shown at the Exhibition for the Advancement of Painting in the autumn of 1882   Meiji jūgo mizunoeuma no toshi aki kaiga kyōshinkai shuppinga: Fujiwara no Yasumasa gekka rōteki zu 明治 十五 壬午 [の] 年 秋 絵画 共進会 出品画
藤原 [の] 保昌 月下 弄笛 圖
1883 (2) 455
Famous places in the East: The ancient story of Umewaka at the Sumida River   Azuma meisho Sumida-gawa Umewaka no furugoto {koji} 東 名所 墨田川 梅若 之 古事
1883 (7) 456 Assuming the second character is correct, and not 亊, the canonical reading these days seems to be koji
The fever of Taira no Kyomori   Taira Kiyomori hino {honō} yamai no zu 平 清盛 炎燒 病 之 圖
1883 (8) 457
The Four Seasons at their Height   Zensei shiki 全盛 四季 1883 (9) - 1884 (3) 458 Series size: 3?
Summer: Women bathing at the Daishōrō, the flower mansion in Nezu       1883 (9) 458.1
Winter: Maboroshidayū with snow rabbit at Daishōrō, the flower mansion in Nezu       1883 (12) 458.2
Spring: Plums on the first day of spring in Hara Village in Ebara District   Haru: Ebara-gun Hara-mura risshun ume [no] zu
荏原郡 原村 立春 梅 [之] 圖
1884 (3) 458.3
Mirror of famous women of Japan   Honchō meifu kagami 本朝 名婦 鑑 1883 (12.11) 459
Illustrations for the 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' Illustration of a Chinese Story Sangokushi zue (no) uchi 三國志 圖會 [之] 内
(国) (図会)
1883 461 Series size: 2K
Gentoku visits Kōmei in the snow   Gentoku fūsetsu ni Kōmei (w)o toburau 玄徳 風雪 ニ 孔明 ヲ 訪フ   461.1
Chang Fei on Chōhan Bridge glares back at the multitude of soldiers   Chōhi Chōhan-kyō hyakuman zei nirami kaesu 張飛 長阪橋 百万 勢 睨 返 ca. 1883 461.2
Kōunsai in Tsukuba commands the army in the snow   Tsukuba setchū Kōunsai tokugun no zu 築波 雪中 耕雲斎 督軍 の圖
(筑波) (耕云斋/齋)
ca. 1883 462 This would be Takeda Kōunsai (1803-1865)
The false Murasaki and a rural Genji   Nise Murasaki inaka Genji 偐 紫 田舎 源氏 1884 (21.5) 463 A jealous demon appearing to Mitsuuji and Tasogare in the temple.
Kiritaro saves the forces at Odawara: A scene from a Suikoden of the Tenpō Period   Tenpō Suikoden no uchi
Kiritarō Odawara ni oite seiryoku o sukuu no zu
天保 水滸傅 之 内
霧太郎 太田原 ニ 於テ 勢力 ヲ 救フ ノ 圖
(水滸伝) (桐太郎) (小田原)
1884 (11) 464$ Saru no Denkichi presents a severed head to Kogakure no Kiritaro

The '太' is not the usual character in 'Odawara'; this may be a typo on Yoshitoshi's part, or perhaps just deliberate (it has the same reading)

Demons of illness and poverty stalking the lucky gods (a picture by Yoshitoshi)   Hōnen (Yoshitoshi) songa 芳年 存画 1884 467 The characters 芳年 can be read both as 'Yoshitoshi' and 'hōnen'
War chronicles of Ōsaka   Ōsaka gunki no uchi 大坂 軍記 之 内
(大阪) (将)
1884 468$ Ōkubo Hikozaemon Tadataka protects the Tokugawa shōgun from the spear of Gotō Matabei Mototsugu.

The correct reading, and meaning, of the subtitle, are currently uncertain.
The 'saka' character used in the main title is not the normal one use for Ōsaka (at least not currently).

A number of sources give the name of the right-hand person as "Gorō" (後藤 又兵衞 基次), but this is incorrect - it is actually "Gotō".

(Untitled)     祐天 上人 1885 (5) 471 The god Fudō Myōō threatens young Yūten Shōnin with his sword
St. Nichiren prays for the restless spirit of the cormorant fisher at the Isawa River   Nichiren shōnin Isawa-gawa nite ukai no meikon o saido shitamau no zu 日蓮 上人 石和河 にて 鵣飼 の 迷魂 を 済度 志たまう ノ 図
1885 (6?) 472 The character 鵣 might be an error (either by Yoshitoshi or Keyes); a copy of the print has not yet been examined
The great earthquake at the Momoyama palace in Fushimi   Fushimi ōjishin Momoyama goten no zu 伏見 大地震 桃山 御殿 [之] 図 1885 (15.12) 480
The great earthquake in Fushimi   Fushimi ōjishin no zu 伏見 大地震 之 圖 1885? 480A! Possibly the same print as the previous?
Soga Gorō gallops bareback to Ōiso   Soga Tokimune nori hadakauma kakeru Ōiso 曽我 時致 乗 裸馬 驅 大磯
1885 (15.12) 481$
Kabuki reformation: Ichikawa Danjūrō IX as Kunsunoki Masatsura at the battle of Shijōnawate   Engeki kairyō: Yoshino shūi Shijōnawate Kusu[noki] Masatsura uchijini no zu 演劇 改良
吉野 拾遺 四條縄手 楠[木] 正行 討死 之 圖
1886 (1.12) 489
A woman saving the nation: A chronicle of Great Peace   Gokoku onna Taiheiki 護国 女 太平記 1886 491
Shizuka Gozen and Minamoto no Yoshitsune part at Yoshino   Yoshino Shizuka hangan betsuri [no] zu 芳野 静 判官 別離 [之] 圖
1886 493$
A blind priest plays the lute before Uesugi Kenshin   Danjō daihitsu Uesugi Kenshin 弾正 大弼 上杉 謙信 1887 (22.2) 496
A brief history of Japan   Nihon ryakushi no uchi 日本 略史 之 内 1887 (12) 501$ Susanoo no Mikoto kills the 8-headed serpent at Hirokawa in Izumo Province
Designed in the same format as 'Dai nihon shiryaku zue' (#418)
(Untitled)     園遊會 1888 (6) 505 Entertainment for the opening of a nobleman's garden
(Untitled)       1889 (5) 511 Carp swimming beneath wisteria
Actually printed 1889/4
The watermelon fight of the imperial boatmen near the palace at Ohama   Ohama goten ni oite ofunate suika kassen 於御浜 御殿 御舩手 西瓜 合戦
1889 513


Title (English) Alternative Titles Title (Rōmaji) Title (Kanji) Date Keyes No. Comments
Onoe Kikugorō V   Onoe Kikugorō 尾上 菊五郎 1890 (1) 515 Half-length portrait of Onoe Kikugorō V as the old woman of the lonely house, with a poem by Keika
Ichikawa Danjūrō IX   Ichikawa Danjūrō 市川 團十郎
1890 (1.4) 516 Half-length portrait of Ichikawa Danjūrō IX as Benkei in Kanjinchō, with a poem by Keika
Snow, Moon and Flowers Actors with Snow, Moon and Flowers Setsugekka no uchi 雪月花 乃 内 1890 (8) 517 Series size: 3
Snow       1890 (8) 517.1 Onoe Baikō (Kikugorō V) as Iwakura Sōgen; second state titled "Iwakura Sōgen in the hermitage scene from Hanafubuki"
Moon: Ichikawa Sanshō (as) Kezori Kuemon   Tsuki: Ichikawa Sanshō Kezori Kuemon
市川 三升 毛剃九 右衛門
1890 517.2 Ichikawa Sanshō was the 'poetry name' of Ichikawa Danjūrō IX. Kezori Kuemon was a famous Nagasaki pirate.
Flowers       1890 517.3 Ichikawa Sadanji as Gosho no Gorozō
Mito samurai in snow on Atago Hill     愛宕山 雪中 水戸 藩士 1890 (25.9) 518 Republication of #322
Opening the storehouse   Kura-biraki 久ら 美良喜 1891 (1) 520 Yamauba and Kintarō
There's probably another visual pun here; the character chosen for 'ku' is not the normal one for 'kura' ('warehouse'), but rather one meaning 'old story'
Ichikawa Danjuro IX as Kuzunoha     市川 団十郎 の 葛の葉 1891 (3) 521
A blind priest and Uesugi Kenshin     弾正 大弼 上杉 謙信 1893 (8) 525 Republication of #496
A mirror of valiant warriors: Descending geese at Yahagi Bridge   Eiyū bidan musha kagami: Yahagi no rakugan 英勇 美談 武者 鑑 矢? の 落鴈
1894 (5.2) 526 Posthumous copy of #200.6
The exact character used for 'hagi' in this title does not seem to be in Unicode
The vigor of Japan in the successful conquest of Korea   Seikan ikō Nihon no genki 征韓 偉功 日本 之 元気 1897 (11.7) 527 Republication of #447
Twenty-four good deeds of Imperial Japan   Kōkoku nijūshi-kō 皇国 二十四功 1895 529 See #496
Shizuka and Yoshitoshi part at Yoshino   Yoshino Shizuka hangan betsuri [zu] 芳野 静 判官 別離 図 1902 (11.2) 530 See #493
'Yoshitoshi' might be a typo for 'Yoshitsune' here

Date uncertain

Title (English) Alternative Titles Title (Rōmaji) Title (Kanji) Date Keyes No. Comments
The loyalty of Katō Kiyomasa during the great Ōsaka earthquake   Ōsaka daijishin Kiyomasa seichū 大阪 大地震 清正 誠忠 ? 535 One source lists this with prints produced in 1880
Burning incense at Daitoku Temple in Murasakino   Murasakino Daitoku-ji shōkō no zu 紫野 大德寺 焼/燒香 之 圖 Probably 1880-1885 537
Images of the fifteen Tokugawas   Tokugawa jūgodai ki 德川 十五代 記 (徳)   538! A reprint of #319.1, with a slightly different title, and in lighter colours than the original.
View of the glory of Abe Tadaaki in the Sumida River flood   Sumida-gawa kōzui Abe Tadaaki meiyo no zu 隅田川 洪水 阿部 忠秋 名誉 之 圖   539!  


Thanks to Antique Art Morimiya, which put many detailed images of Yoshitoshi triptychs online - and kept them there, even after they sold; these allowed the confirmation (and correction, in many cases) of captions for those triptychs.

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Last updated: 26/February/2020